Pemilu 2024
Voting Day
February 10, 2024 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. CT
at KJRI Chicago (211 N Carpenter St, Chicago, IL 60607)
Eligible Voters
Indonesian Citizens (including Green Card holders)
Be at least 17 years old by the voting day
Have a sound and healthy mind and memory
Do not have voting restrictions based on court orders
Not a member of the Indonesian Police or Armed Forces
Based in the following states (to vote at KJRI Chicago): Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, dan Wisconsin
Voter Registration
The deadline for Voter Registration has passed! The deadline to move to Chicago is on January 12, 2024!
Not Sure If You're Registered?
Check the Chicago Voters Database!
If you are there, then you are good! Otherwise, check the National Voters Database!
If you are on the National Voters Database, follow these steps:
Contact the polling station you are currently registered in and ask them to move/register you in Chicago.
Fill out this form and upload a document to confirm that you are studying in the Midwest area (deadline: January 12, 2024).
You are eligible to vote in person on Voting Day.
If you are not on the National Voters Database, come to KJRI Chicago on Voting Day (Jan 12, 2024) an hour before voting time closes (4 p.m.). You can vote based on the availability of the ballot paper.